Last fall, I bought an iPhone to stay in touch with my son who had just started college in another state. As most parents of teens know, his generation communicates primarily by texting. (Parents of teens and 20-somethings cannot be faulted for wondering if humans will eventually lose the capacity for speech.)
The iPhone has certainly served its purpose as a vital link with my child, but astonishingly, it has also been my most important tool for weight loss.
Weight Watchers and most nutritionists emphasize keeping a food journal, or tracking, as the most important strategy for weight loss. But as anyone who has attempted this knows, it's not as easy as it sounds. Writing down everything you eat, looking up the calories (or points) and subtracting it from the daily food budget is a time-consuming chore. That's part of the appeal of weight loss programs that offer to deliver portioned, pre-counted meals to your door, and of diet books that provide daily menus.
Technology doesn't completely eliminate the hassle of journaling, but it makes the task much easier, and as research is showing, it can be surprisingly effective. Although most computerized tracking systems have websites or online versions, using an app on a smartphone is super convenient because you always have it with you.
I'm tried CalorieCount, LoseIt and FitDay, and all work well, are free and offer similar features. The data junkie in me loves the USDA's SuperTracker tool because I want to see exactly how much of every nutrient I'm consuming, but it doesn't yet have a mobile version.
After reviewing several of the free options, I chose MyFitnessPal primarily because it is integrated with so many compatible apps. I've been using the Striiv smart pedometer for several months, and it logs my activity and reports it to the MyFitnessPal counter to adjust my daily calorie balance. The popular FitBit pedometer does this as well.
If you'd like to be friends on MyFitnessPal or Striiv, let me know via e-mail and I'll send you an invite.
I'm compiling a recommended resource list and would love to include your suggestions for tools, gadgets, websites and anything else you find helpful. Click the link under "Pages" in the right sidebar column, just above the search box.
Coming tomorrow: Chocoholics Anonymous, a 12-step program (or some steps anyway).
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